Glasgow crime map
Thank you for viewing Glasgow Live's interactive crime map for the city of Glasgow in Scotland. Click on a coloured shape to find out more about crime in that area.
Breakdown of crimes
- Murder
- Culpable Homicide
- Attempted Murder
- Serious Assault
- Robbery and assault with intent to rob
- Cruel and Unnatural treatment of children
- Other1
- Housebreaking (incl. attempts) - Domestic2
- Housebreaking (incl. attempts) - other premises3
- Opening Lockfast Places
- Theft of a motor vehicle
- Attempted theft of a motor vehicle
- Theft from a Motor Vehicle
- Common theft
- Shoplifting
- Fraud
- Other1
- Fireraising
- Vandalism (incl. reckless damage)
- Reckless conduct with firearms
- Culpable and reckless conduct without firearms
- Other1
- Possession of offensive weapons
- Carrying of knives/bladed instruments
- Production, manufacture or cultivation of drugs
- Possession of drugs
- Supply of drugs (incl. possession with intent)
- Bringing drugs into prison
- Other drugs offences (incl. importation)
- Offences relating to serious organised crime
- Bail offences
- Other1
Misc. offences
- Common Assault
- Common Assault of an emergency worker
- Breach of the Peace
- Threatening and abusive behaviour
- Stalking
- Racially aggravated harassment/conduct
- Drunk and incapable
- Consumption of alcohol in a designated public place against local bye-laws
- Other alcohol related offences
- Wildlife offences
- Other1
Motor crimes
- Dangerous driving offences
- Drink, Drug-driving offences including failure to provide a specimen
- Speeding offences
- Driving while disqualified
- Driving without a licence
- Failure to insure against third party risks
- Seat belt offences
- Mobile phone offences
- Driving Carelessly
- Driver's neglect of traffic directions
- Using a motor vehicle without a test certificate
- Other1
- Map creator: Sally Nicholls
- Data source: Police Scotland
- Copyright © CARTO, Leaflet, OpenStreetMap, Sally Nicholls.